Agenda Addendum
Council Meeting

Electronic Meeting
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Mayor and Clerk at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario


Due to efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, the Council Chambers at Town Hall will not be open to the public to attend Council meetings until further notice.

Members of the public who have an interest in a matter listed on the agenda may, up until 10:00 a.m. on the day of a scheduled Council meeting: Email indicating your request to speak to a matter listed on the agenda. A phone number and conference ID code will be provided to you so that you may join the virtual meeting and provide your comments to Council.


Members of the public wishing to raise a question during the public question period of the Council meeting may beginning at 8:00 p.m. on the evening of the Council meeting, call +1 289-801-5774 and enter Conference ID: 732 131 497# 

Correspondence/emails submitted will be considered as public information and entered into the public record.

Accessibility Accommodations

If you require access to information in an alternate format, please contact the Clerk’s division by phone at 519-941-0440 x 2256 or via email at

  • Recommendations:

    That the agenda and any addendums for the September 27, 2021 Council Meeting, be approved.


We would like to acknowledge the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe people including the Ojibway, Potawatomi and Odawa of the Three Fires Confederacy.

This meeting is being aired on public television and/or streamed live and may
be taped for later public broadcast or webcast.
Your name is part of the public record and will be included in the minutes of
this meeting.


  • Recommendations:

    That the minutes of the following meetings be approved:

  • Recommendations:

    That report INS-2021-054, 41 William Street, Recommendation Report, RZ-2021-01, be received;

    And that the Zoning By-law Amendment Application (RZ-2021-01), be approved;

    And that Council pass a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 22-90, as amended, to rezone Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Plan No. 216, Town of Orangeville, County of Dufferin, municipally known as 41 William Street, from Residential Second Density (R2) Zone, to Residential Third Density (R3) Zone, with Special Provision 24.228 and subject to a Holding (H) Symbol, to permit an additional detached and semi-detached dwelling.

  • Recommendations:

    That report INS-2021-052, Broadway Brick Replacement Project Update, be received;

    And that Staff be directed to include for Council’s consideration a project in the 2022 capital budget for the allowance of the ancillary street furniture items as set out in report INS-2021-052.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CPS-2021-069, dated September 27, 2021, ICIP Public Transit Stream Funding Agreement, be received;

    And that Council pass a by-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Transfer Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation for funding.

  • Recommendations:

    That report INS-2021-053, Humber Lands, Primacare Proposal and Options for Determining Future Land Use(s), be received;

    And that Council direct staff to proceed with Option 2 as recommended in report INS-2021-053, to implement a preferred land use framework for the Humber Lands, determined by a comprehensive planning process completed as part of the Town’s Official Plan Review, which can include consideration of the Primacare development concept as part of that process; or alternatively;

    Council direct staff to proceed with Option 1 as outlined in report INS-2021-053 to pursue discussions with Primacare to facilitate the proposed development concept for the Humber Lands.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CAO-2021-009, Vaccination Policy for Members of Council, Boards and Committees, be received;

    And that Council adopt the Vaccination Policy as presented.

WHEREAS ending street homelessness in Orangeville is a key goal of the Mayor and Council;
AND WHEREAS the COVID 19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn has created an increase in male homelessness;
AND WHEREAS the male homeless population is diverse, and individuals often suffer from concurrent mental health, addictions and other medical issues which require services; as well as poverty and abuse;
AND WHEREAS mental health resources are not sufficient in our region;
AND WHEREAS addiction treatment resources are not sufficient in our region;
AND WHEREAS the homeless require a broad continuum of supportive housing options that include shelters, interim housing, permanent housing, subsidized rental housing, and affordable market rentals;
AND WHEREAS Choices Youth Shelter with support from Services and Housing in the Province has opened a men’s homeless shelter with a projected annual budget of $333,092;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Orangeville set aside a one time emergency fund of $166,546 representing the required funding for a men’s shelter for the period of November 1, 2021 to April 30 2022;
And that this money will be funded from the 2020 surplus;
And that this money be released monthly to SHIP, Choices or other support agencies to provide shelter, food and support for homeless men in Orangeville and Dufferin County;
And that Orangeville Town Council continue to advocate for additional mental health and addiction treatment support for our region;
And that the Men’s Homelessness Committee continue to work towards permanent, sustainable funding for men’s homelessness issues and that this funding will be reduced when and if other sources of funding from the community or other government agencies becomes available

  • Recommendations:

    That the meeting be adjourned.


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