Council Meeting

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Council
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Mayor and Clerk at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario


Members of the public who have an interest in a matter listed on the agenda may, up until 10:00 a.m. on the day of a scheduled Council meeting, email indicating their request to speak to a matter listed on the agenda. There will be an option to provide comments to Council either in person or virtually. Correspondence submitted will be considered public information and entered into the public record.

Members of the public wishing to view the Council meeting or raise a question during the public question period will have the option to attend in-person in Council Chambers, located at Town Hall, 87 Broadway, Orangeville; or by calling 1-289-801-5774 and entering Conference ID: 762 717 359# 

The Council meeting will also be livestreamed, for members of the public that wish to view the meeting online, please visit:

Accessibility Accommodations
If you require access to information in an alternate format, please contact the Clerk’s division by phone at 519-941-0440 x 2242 or via email at

  • Recommendations:

    That the agenda and any addendums for the November 18, 2024 Council Meeting, be approved.

  • Recommendations:

    That a closed meeting of Council be held pursuant to s. 239 (2) of the Municipal Act for the purposes of considering the following subject matters:

November 4, 2024 Closed Council Minutes


Confidential Verbal Report from David Smith, CAO - CAO Workplan and Performance Update


Labour relations or employee negotiations.

We would like to acknowledge the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We also recognize that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

This meeting is being aired on public television and/or streamed live and maybe taped for later public broadcast or webcast. Your name is part of the public record and will be included in the minutes of this meeting. Any member of the public connecting via telephone is reminded to press *6 to mute and unmute. Please remain muted until the Chair requests comments or questions from the public.                        

  • Recommendations:

    That the minutes of the November 4, 2024 Closed Council Meeting, be approved; and

    That Confidential Verbal Report from David Smith, CAO - CAO Workplan and Performance Update regarding labour relations or employee negotiations, be received; and

    That staff proceed as directed.

Any member of the public connecting via telephone is reminded to press *6 to mute and unmute and that they have a maximum of 3 minutes to ask their question.

The following items have been compiled under the Consent Agenda to facilitate a single vote for Council consideration. Council may remove any item from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.

  • Recommendations:

    That all Consent Agenda items for the current Council Meeting listed under 13.1 Staff Reports, 13.2 Correspondence, and 13.3 Committee/Board Minutes, be received or approved as presented with the exception of the items removed for individual consideration.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CMS-2024-022, Economic Development and Culture Strategy, be received; and

    That the Economic Development and Culture Strategy prepared by McSweeney & Associates Consulting Inc., be adopted; and

    That Council direct the Economic Development and Culture division to begin implementation of the Strategy as part of its annual operating work plan; and

    That Staff report annually on the implementation progress of the Economic Development and Culture Strategy.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CAO-2024-010, Status Report on Blackline Opportunities, be received.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CPS-2024-069, 2025 Consolidated Fees and Charges, be received; and

    That Council approve the 2025 Consolidated Fees and Charges By-law; and

    That the Registered Minor Sports Groups Fee Reduction Policy approved by Council through resolution no. 11 on February 14, 2011, be rescinded; and

    That the Cancellation Fees for all Parks and Recreation Rentals, Programs and Services Policy approved by Council through resolution no. 17 on January 12, 2009, be rescinded; and

    That the Youth Subsidization Policy approved by Council through resolution no. 50-87 on February 2, 1987, be rescinded.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CPS-2024-075, 2025 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Study, be received; and

    That Council approve the Water and Wastewater Rates as per the 2024 Water and Wastewater Rate Study, with the requested amendments to the non-compliant non-metered accounts flat fee; and

    That Council request that staff report back in 2025 to provide a recommendation to Council on implementation of the Stormwater Rates as per the 2024 Stormwater Rate Study.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CPS-2024-076, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) Board Appointment, be received; and

    That Council appoint ________ as the Orangeville member on the CVC Board.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CPS-2024-079, Integrated Asset, Work Order, Planning, Building, License and Permit Management System Funding, be received; and

    That Council direct staff to increase the budget for project 20391.0000 Enterprise Asset Management Solution by $277,945 funded from the Water Reserve ($106,968), Wastewater Reserve ($60,847), Building Reserve ($45,569), and the Corporate Systems Reserve ($64,561).

  • Recommendations:

    That report CMS-2024-21, Construction of the Orangeville Fire Station Update, be received.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CMS-2024-015, Facility Needs Assessment Study – Update, be received; and,

    That Council approve the deferral of the Facility Needs Assessment Study from 2025 to 2026.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CMS-2024-025, Lease Agreement with Artel Inc. for 112 Broadway, be received; and

    That Council approve the four-year lease agreement between Artel Inc. and the Town of Orangeville for the period of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2028; and

    That Council pass a by-law to enter into an agreement and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement and any other documents required to complete the transaction.

  • Recommendations:

    That report CMS-2024-026, Commemoration Bench Donation at Rotary Skatepark, be received; and

    That Council accept the donation of the bench to commemorate Orangeville resident, Jacob Sawyer at Rotary Skatepark; and

    That Council direct staff to receive and install the donated bench at Rotary Skatepark.

  • Recommendations:

    That report INS-2024-054, Community Improvement Plan, Annual Performance Report for 2024, be received.

  • Recommendations:

    Whereas municipalities face growing infrastructure needs, including roads, bridges, public transit, water systems, and other critical services, which are essential to community well-being and economic development; and

    Whereas the current sources of municipal revenue, including property taxes and user fees, are insufficient to meet these increasing demands for infrastructure investment; and

    Whereas the Province of Ontario currently collects the Land Transfer Tax (LTT) on property transactions in municipalities across the province, generating significant revenue that is not directly shared with municipalities; and

    Whereas the Federal Government collects the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on property transactions, a portion of which could be directed to municipalities to address local infrastructure needs; and

    Whereas redistributing a portion of the Provincial Land Transfer Tax and GST to municipalities would provide a predictable and sustainable source of funding for local infrastructure projects without creating a new tax burden on residents or homebuyers; and

    Whereas a redistribution of a portion of the existing Land Transfer Tax and GST would allow municipalities to better plan and invest in long-term infrastructure initiatives, supporting local economic growth and improving the quality of life for residents; 

    Now therefore be it resolved that the Town of Orangeville Council formally requests that the Provincial Government consider redistributing a portion of the Land Transfer Tax collected on property transactions to municipalities; and

    That Town of Orangeville Council calls on the Federal Government to allocate a percentage of GST collected on property sales to municipalities; and

    That this redistribution of the Land Transfer Tax and GST should be structured to provide predictable and sustainable funding to municipalities, allowing for better long-term planning and investment in infrastructure projects that benefit local communities, thus ensuring that local governments receive a fair share of the revenue to address critical infrastructure needs;and

    That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Premier Doug Ford, Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance for Ontario, Hon. Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for Ontario, Dufferin-Caledon MP, Kyle Seeback, Dufferin-Caledon MPP, Hon. Sylvia Jones; and

    That copies of this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in the County of Dufferin, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) for their endorsement and advocacy.

  • Recommendations:

    That the meeting be adjourned.


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