Minutes of Council - Public Meeting

Electronic Meeting
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Mayor and Clerk at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Mayor S. Brown
  • Deputy Mayor A. Macintosh
  • Councillor J. Andrews
  • Councillor G. Peters
  • Councillor L. Post
  • Councillor D. Sherwood
  • Councillor T. Taylor
Staff Present:
  • E. Brennan, CAO
  • D. Benotto, Software Operations Supervisor
  • T. Dulisse, Engineering Technologist
  • D. Jones, General Manager, Infrastructure Services
  • J. Lackey, Manager, Transportation and Development
  • K. Landry, Town Clerk, was present at Town Hall
  • M. Pourmanouchehri, IT Technician
  • B. Ward, Manager, Planning
  • T. Macdonald, Assistant Clerk

The meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m.

  • Resolution2021-218
    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Taylor

    That the agenda for the June 7, 2021 Council - Public Meeting, be approved.



  • Resolution2021-219
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Macintosh
    Seconded byCouncillor Taylor

    That a closed meeting of Council be held pursuant to s. 239 (2) and (3.1) of the Municipal Act for the purposes of considering the following subject matters:

    Confidential Verbal Report from Ed Brennan, CAO, 120 C Line - Rail line spur

    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

    Training - Council-Staff Relations

    The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members.
    Confidential Verbal Report from Ed Brennan, CAO - Town Owned Humber Lands

    A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

  • Resolution2021-220
    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Post

    That Council convene into open session at 6:46 p.m.


    Council recessed from 6:46 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Confidential Verbal Report from Ed Brennan, CAO, 120 C Line - Rail line spur

Training - Council-Staff Relations

Confidential Verbal Report from Ed Brennan, CAO - Town Owned Humber Lands

David Nairn, Theatre Orangeville provided a pre-recorded version of the National Anthem which was played.

The Mayor acknowledged the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe people including the Ojibway, Potawatomi and Odawa of the Three Fires Confederacy.

Mayor Brown advised the gallery and viewing audience with respect to the public nature of Council Meetings and that it is webcast. 

John Lackey, Manager, Transportation and Development provided a brief overview of the Broadway Sidewalk project. 

Howard Wray, Triton Engineering provided an overview of the replacement of sidewalks and boulevards on Broadway from John Street to Third Street. Mr. Wray outlined several concerns that have been identified with the current state of the sidewalks which include:

  • differential movement between concrete and pavers
  • movement and shifting of the paving stones
  • heaving of tree grates and paving stones around boulevard trees
  • vertical movement of curb stops and water valves
  • sidewalk ramps at curbs do not meet AODA standards
  • electrical junction boxes have shifted and create trip hazards
  • fountains and watering hose bibs are no longer functional
  • parking meter posts that are no longer functional due to meters no longer being used
  • additional issues regarding streetscape furniture and other amenities identified by the BIA

The following goals and objectives have been identified for the renewed surface materials:

  •  materials should be durable and designed to resist differential movement
  •  surfaces should be easy and cost effective to maintain
  •  accessibility and compliance with the AODA is a key objective
  •  items that can move vertically (curb stops, valve and junction boxes) should be designed to limit movement
  •  surfaces to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing

Mr. Wray outlined the projected timeline with an anticipated start day of Fall 2021. 

Deputy Mayor Macintosh questioned the anticipated completion date. 

Mr. Wray indicated completion anticipated to be in early November. 

Deputy Mayor Macintosh asked if the project were put off to early next year how would the project be affected. 

Mr. Wray indicated that one of the affects would be another winter of maintaining the existing system. 

Councillor Andrews questioned if the construction would impede traffic.

Mr. Wray advised that the contractor would use some parking lanes and these lanes would not be available for parking but traffic would be able to continue to flow on the street. Mr. Wray indicated that they work very closely with business owners to minimize disruption. 

Councillor Andrews asked for suggestions of locations for bike racks. 

Mr. Wray advised that they would work in consultation with the community to find the optimal location for bike racks.

Councillor Peters asked if there is opportunity to have any water bottle refilling stations. 

Mr. Wray indicated that he has no personal experience with the installation of water bottle refilling stations but it could possibly be done given that the water service is there. 

Councillor Peters asked for elaboration on impressed concrete versus pavers. 

Mr. Wray indicated that impressed concrete can collect water in the grooves and over time the colour changes and the pavers are constructed in a more controlled environment and are more durable. 

Councillor Peters asked if the cost difference between impressed concrete and pavers would be covered in the staff report.

Mr. Lackey indicated that a cost comparison would be included in the staff report. 

Councillor Peters questioned if some creative solutions could be considered to save more of the trees or possibly to add more trees. 

Mr. Wray indicated that alternative ways of retaining more trees could be considered. 

Mayor Brown asked if the step up from the sidewalk into different businesses can be addressed during the construction process. 

Councillor Sherwood asked if trees have been removed since the original brick project was completed. 

Mr. Lackey indicated that yes, approximately 10 trees have been removed over the years.

Councillor Taylor questioned if the Blues and Jazz Festival could be approached to change their dates for 2022 to allow for the project to be completed in Spring of 2022.

Councillor Post asked how could we address some of the trip hazards and accessibility issues if we delay until Spring of 2022. 

Mr. Lackey indicated that there is a possibility of delaying to fall of 2022. There is a program, each year to go through the downtown core and repair the trip hazards.

Councillor Post asked if there is something that could be done to keep the trees but that would minimize the heaving that can occur. 

Mr. Wray indicated that having an open levelled mulch area could be an alternative that would assist in retaining more trees. 

Deputy Mayor Macintosh asked what the BIA position was on the timing of the project. 

Councillor Sherwood advised that the BIA discussed the matter and there were mixed emotions on the timing of the project. 

Shelley Wishart presented a petition signed by 62 businesses asking that the Broadway sidewalk project be delayed to allow downtown businesses to open and have the opportunity to rebuild their businesses.

Councillor Taylor asked if the construction intrusion would be any more welcome by businesses next year. 

Ms. Wishart indicated that people need time to rebuild their businesses and part of that rebuilding will be planning for the construction next year. 

Mayor Brown asked about the amount of trip and fall incidents on Broadway as well as the cost of delaying for a year. 

Mr. Lackey indicted that there are slip and falls on Broadway. The costs of construction are escalating and a delay will definitely incur an increase in costs. 

Councillor Peters questioned what other towns have done to assist businesses during construction projects.

Mayor Brown would like to have the BIA do a more comprehensive outreach to their membership to determine the position of all businesses.

Note: The petition is received through inclusion on the agenda.  

Deputy Mayor Macintosh assumed the Chair and outlined the procedure to be followed for the public meeting and reminded those listening or watching how to participate in the meeting via telephone. 

Note: Mayor Brown turned off his camera and microphone during discussion of this matter, refer to item 9.2.

Brandon Ward, Manager, Planning presented an overview of a zoning by-law amendment application that has been submitted with respect to 41 William Street which consists of three parts: maintaining existing dwelling, constructing a new detached dwelling near the intersection, and constructing a new semi-detached dwelling facing Hannah Street. 

The Official Plan designates these lands as "residential" which permits a range of housing types and formats and encourages intensification and criteria for determining intensification areas and evaluating intensification developments. "Low Density" residential density applies to the property which permits single detached and two unit dwellings with a density of 25 units per hectare.

The current zoning of the property is residential second density (R2) whereby detached dwellings are the only dwelling type permitted. The proposed zoning is residential third density (R3) which permits single and semi-detached dwellings.

Mr. Ward provided an overview of all agency and public feedback to date and outlined next steps including staff review of comments received through public consultation and circulation, review and preparation of a recommendation report for Council.  

  • Mayor Brown declared a conflict on this item. (One of the owners of this property is my son Spencer Brown.   I declare a Direct Pecuniary interest in this matter and will recuse myself when this matter is before Council)
  • Resolution2021-221
    Moved byCouncillor Peters
    Seconded byCouncillor Post

    That report INS-2021-039, 41 William Street, Public Meeting Information Report, RZ-2021-01, be received as information at the public meeting held on June 7, 2021


Andrea Sinclair, MHBC Planning provided an overview of the proposal which seeks to better utilize the site and introduce modest density and rezone the property to accommodate single and semi detached units on the site. The proposal retains the existing heritage home on its own lot with the addition of a detached and semi-detached unit. The proposed development requires a zoning by-law amendment, future lot creation through part lot control process and an agreement with the Town with respect to street rights of way. Ms. Sinclair provided an overview of responses to public comments received.

Lisa Felice outlined concerns relating to the units being semi detached units as opposed to detached dwellings. Ms. Felice also indicated concerns with respect to the potential for illegal basement units, the removal of 24 trees from the area, snow removal and the cost of sewer and water services. 

Frank Pesce outlined concerns about the Town's investigation of the appropriateness of intensification on the subject property and outlined concerns relating to traffic, parking and safety. 

(Brenda Kelly) outlined concerns relating to over intensification, parking and safety. 

Spencer Brown, project partner, outlined that there is a housing crisis in Orangeville and this infill development helps to limit urban sprawl and will provide additional housing in Orangeville.

Mr. Strudwick spoke in opposition to the proposed development and outlined concerns relating to over intensification, illegal basement units, parking and safety. 

The Chair asked Andrea Sinclair if she had comments on the public comments received. 

Ms. Sinclair indicated she would work with staff on the comments received. 

The Chair asked if there were any questions from Council.

Councillor Taylor asked about the status of the existing cedar trees on the property. 

Mr. Ward indicated that the trees were in the site triangles as relating to the intersection. 

Councillor Taylor asked if we are looking into the issue of the potential existence of illegal units in the area. 

Ed Brennan, CAO indicated that Town staff will investigate. 

Councillor Andrews asked if there were similar expressions of concern relating to the Henry Street development. 

Mr. Ward indicated that Henry Street is zoned differently and was an older planning application. 

Councillor Peters asked about the addition of a sidewalk in the area.

Mr. Jones indicated that the sidewalk policy speaks to the addition of sidewalks and are typically installed when the road is reconstructed. 

Councillor Taylor asked about the number of trees to be removed. 

Mr. Ward indicated that a number of trees will need to be removed for servicing requirements as well as the building construction. 

Spencer Brown indicated that efforts would be made to maintain as much tree canopy as possible.

The Chair asked if there were any questions from the public and there were none. 

  • Resolution2021-222
    Moved byCouncillor Taylor
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrews

    That the following correspondence be received:

    Frank Pesce, Zoning By-law Amendment, 41 William Street
    Sharon Bigler, RZ-2021-01, 41 William Street

  • Mayor Brown resumed the Chair. 

    Moved byCouncillor Post
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrews

    That resolution 2021-214 be amended to delete " and that the respective municipal Council be given authority to appoint any required citizen representation to its Police Service Board" and replaced with "and that the respective municipal Council be given authority to appoint the required representation to its Police Service Board";

    And that the letter, as amended regarding appointments to Police Service Boards be forwarded to the Solicitor General.

    Yes (5)Mayor Brown, Councillor Andrews, Councillor Peters, Councillor Post, and Councillor Sherwood
    No (2)Councillor Taylor, and Deputy Mayor Macintosh
    Carried (5 to 2)
  • Resolution2021-224
    Moved byCouncillor Sherwood
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Macintosh

    That Confidential Verbal Report from Ed Brennan, CAO, 120 C Line - Rail line spur regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board, be received;

    And that training - Council-Staff Relations for the purpose of educating or training the members, be received;

    And that Confidential Verbal Report from Ed Brennan, CAO - Town Owned Humber Lands regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board, be received;




  • Resolution2021-225
    Moved byCouncillor Peters
    Seconded byCouncillor Sherwood

    That the by-laws listed below be read three times and finally passed:

    A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville at its Council -Public and Closed Council Meeting held on June 7, 2021

  • Resolution2021-226
    Moved byCouncillor Post
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrews

    That the meeting be adjourned at 9:38 p.m.


No Item Selected