Minutes of Heritage Orangeville

Chair and Secretary Participating Remotely
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
Members Present:
  • Councillor D. Sherwood
  • L. Addy
  • L. Banks
  • G. Sarazin
Members Absent:
  • M. Hauck
Staff Present:
  • A. Graham, Secretary

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

  • Recommendation: 2022-008
    Moved byG. Sarazin

    That the minutes of the following meeting are approved: 

    Carried Unanimously

Councillor Peters spoke to the Heritage Conservation District Study, that was previously raised by Council in 2018. He supported the initial study and asked the Committee for feedback to revisit the topic before Council.

Councillor Sherwood recommended that the Committee is inclined to seek direction from Council first before an endorsement can be made. Should the Committee be interested in the previous study, it is available on the Town website. It was suggested to consider dividing the previous proposed HCD into two sections.

Mr. Sarazin stated that there were contrasting perspectives regarding this expansion, one of which was a concern that an inclusion would place limits on what a property owner could do with their home. Councillor Sherwood added that should an expansion of the district be approved, no single property could be excluded from the conservation area. Contrary to this concern, including more area within a heritage conservation district may help prevent undesirable structures that do not complement an existing heritage aesthetic.

Councillor Peters stated that support from Council on this subject is difficult to ascertain at this time. He suggested that this study serves the purpose of retaining a heritage downtown core. He suggested that a misinterpretation of the data and study in part attributed to the dismissal of the project and that if it were to be brought up again, he would seek to clarify these misconceptions.

Ms. Addy suggested that the community may be more amenable to the idea of the expansion if there was an opportunity to benefit from it. For example, if the Heritage Conservation District by-laws could be combined with the Ontario supported tax rebate program. She suggested that such an implementation would allow the Town to create their own criteria as it relates to the program and may create goodwill in the community. Furthermore, it was explained that a couple of conditions of the program is that the property is municipally designated and that the recipient of the rebate would enter a heritage easement agreement with the Town. Councillor Peters added that property owners in the district would only be impacted by this benefit should they pursue an appropriate renovation project. Ms. Addy stated that there should be no negative impact for a property to be included in a heritage conservation district.

It was confirmed that the Committee would be open to discussion on the heritage conservation district expansion (based on Council direction), and suggested that some minor adjustments to the proposal such as property data sheets could be made.

Councillor Sherwood confirmed that the project as previously envisioned can not move forward with the allocated budget. However, there is interest in developing an alternative to a video tour. The Committee will bring ideas to the table at the March meeting.

  • Recommendation: 2022-009
    Moved byL. Addy

    The Committee has reviewed the information from Bluestone Research and is satisfied that any historical element has been documented and therefore have no further comment.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Recommendation: 2022-010
    Moved byL. Banks

    That the Committee receive the correspondence.


Troy Brett is Heritage Orangeville's OBIA representative for the remaining term of Council.

Linda Banks reminded the Committee that the fundraiser, The Coldest Night of the Year, is February 26th, 2022.

Councillor Sherwood noted with regards to the extension of the rail trail, that trails have been budgeted for this year and further details will be developed by staff and distributed to the public accordingly.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 17th at 7:00 PM.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.