Minutes of Affordable Housing Task Force

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Affordable Housing Task Force
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Chair and Secretary at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Councillor J. Andrews, Chair
  • Councillor Prendergast, Vice-Chair
  • K. Atkinson
  • C. De Castro
  • R. Mair
Staff Present:
  • G. Brennan, Legislative Assistant, Corporate Services
  • B. Ward, Manager, Planning, Infrastructure Services

The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m.

Councillor J. Andrews. Chair, acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Chair also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

  • 2025-001
    Moved ByC. De Castro

    That the minutes of the following meeting be approved:

Daniel Segal, Segal Construction, discussed a community land trust model and identified the various locations and developments that currently utilize this model. He highlighted how this model could be applied to create and maintain affordable housing in Orangeville. Mr. Segal highlighted the flexibility of constructing developments such as additional residential units (ARU's) or modular homes that could provide rental or lease opportunities for individuals seeking long-term affordable housing, while still maintaining the value of the land. The Task Force asked question and discussed the process of establishing a community land trust, the legal structuring and financing requirements, zoning and regulatory compliance, and the similarities between a community land trust and leased land properties.

The Task Force reviewed the County of Dufferin's Older Adult Services Review (OASR) and Master Housing Strategy (MHS). The Task Force discussed housing affordability needs in Dufferin County and the projected forecast growth for ownership dwellings and rental dwellings, in addition to discussing the housing gaps and increases identified by Dufferin County, that are needed by 2034. The Task Force discussed the top ten (10) County-owned sites recommended for development, and the challenges associated with developing various properties. The Task Force identified the service levels available for various developments, and how this should impact the type of development that gets bult in a respective area. Additionally, the Task Force discussed challenges with water and sewage infrastructure, and the potential impact of a servicing policy for developments that meet a certain capacity level.

Councillor J. Andrews, Chair, advised the Task Force of the City of Mississauga Mayor's Housing Task Force Report, and encouraged members to review the report. Councillor J. Andrews advised the Task Force of the recommendations from the report and the actions the City of Mississauga is currently taking to address affordable housing concerns.

Councillor J. Andrews, Chair, discussed the proposed affordable housing public engagement initiative, and the desired outcomes for the Task Force to achieve. Councillor J. Andrews highlighted the success of a recent Real Estate Roundtable event hosted by Staff from Planning, Building, and Economic Development and Culture divisions. The Task Force highlighted the need to have actionable proposals and solutions in addition to receiving feedback from members of the public on issues surrounding affordable housing. The Task Force agreed that the date of the event is flexible, however, a date in late Q2 is still preferable. The Task Force agreed to review conceptual proposals and policy amendments during their next meeting on Thursday, March 13, 2025.

The Task Force reviewed the proposed work plan.

  • 2025-002
    Moved ByK. Atkinson

    That the proposed Affordable Housing Task Force Work Plan, be approved.


G. Brennan, Legislative Assistant, advised the Task Force of the new meeting minutes review procedure.

Councillor J. Andrews, Chair, advised the Task Force of recent by-law passings during the February 10 Council Meeting that included amendments to the Town of Orangeville's Official Plan No. 133, and Zoning By-law 22-90.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.

  • 2025-003
    Moved ByR. Mair

    That the meeting be adjourned at 7:12 p.m.

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