Minutes of a Committee of Adjustment Meeting

Electronic Participation

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Committee of Adjustment
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Chair and Secretary-Treasurer at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Alan Howe, Chair
  • Ashley Harris, Vice-Chair
  • Rita Baldassara
  • Michael Demczur
  • B. Wormington
Staff Present:
  • M. Adams, Secretary-Treasurer
  • J. Lavecchia-Smith, Deputy Secretary-Treasurer
  • M. Mair, Development Planner
  • S. Pottle, Planning Technician

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

The Chair acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Chair also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

  • Moved byMichael Demczur

    That the minutes of the following meeting are approved: 

The Chair asked Matthew Mair, Development Planner, to speak to the application. Mr. Mair provided the Committee with an overview of the application and the rationale for the recommendation.  The Chair asked if anyone would like to speak to the application. Albert Borgo, Quality Cheese Inc., spoke to the application and said that he will adhere to the landscaping condition of the minor variance. The Committee asked staff questions about the removal of the trees, building permit requirements, and the other proposed silos shown on the site plan drawing. 

  • Moved byRita Baldassara

    That Planning Report – A-07/23- 40 Centennial Road, dated September 4th 2024, be received:

    That Minor Variance – Application File No. A-07/24 to permit 12 silos in front of the front wall of the main building on the property, be approved, subject to the following condition;

    That the applicant/owner submit a satisfactory landscape plan detailing landscape improvement works to be carried out along the frontage of the building to mitigate the visual impact of the proposed silos and related equipment, to the satisfaction of the Town.


The Chair asked Mr. Mair to speak to the application. Mr. Mair provided the Committee with an overview of the application and the rationale for the recommendation.  The Chair asked if anyone would like to speak to the application. There was nobody in attendance to speak to the application. The Committee asked questions to staff regarding the current parking situation on the site, the holding symbol on the property, and for clarification on the minor variance being sought.  

  • Moved byMichael Demczur

    That Planning Report A-08/24 – 2 Fead Street be received;

    That Minor Variance Application File No. A-08/24 to allow a basement dwelling unit without the required parking space, be approved.


The Chair asked Susan Pottle, Planning Technician, to speak to the application. Ms. Pottle provided the Committee with an overview and the rationale for the recommendation.  The Chair asked if the applicant would like to speak to the application. Marianne Zach, property owner, spoke about the proposed accessory building.  She advised that she doesn't require the deck.  The staircase is required to access the dwelling unit above. The Chair asked if anyone else would like to speak. David Carbert, 64 Mill Street. said his main concern is privacy. He objects to the deck and the windows. Ms. Zach responded that she is willing to remove the deck and the window above the door, however, she wants to keep the windows. The Committee asked staff questions regarding privacy, relocating the building, redesigning the floor plan, and the height of the existing home.  

Note:  The Committee recessed from 7:02 p.m. to 7:06 p.m.

  • Moved byAshley Harris

    That Planning Report A-09/24 – 62 Mill St. be received;

    And that the Minor Variance Application (File No. A-09/24) to permit an increase in the maximum permitted height of an accessory structure from 4.3 metres to 5.99 metres be approved, generally in accordance with the submitted plans, and subject to the following condition:

    1. That any deck associated with the accessory building shall only be permitted adjacent to the rear (west) or north side of the building.

The Chair asked Mr. Mair to speak to the application. Mr. Mair provided the Committee with an overview of the application and the rationale for the recommendation.  The Chair asked if the applicant would like to speak to the application. Wayne Ball, solicitor for the applicant, provided the history of the two properties, and explained that over the years the two properties inadvertently merged on title. Since they were previously two separate properties with two separate PINs, he is requesting the condition for the reference plan be waived. Laurie Highbecker, one of the owners, spoke to the existing accessory buildings on the properties.  The Committee asked staff questions regarding waiving the requirement for a reference plan, and the reasons for condition 2. 

  • Moved byAshley Harris

    That Planning Report – B-02/24 – 17 and 19 McCarthy Street be received;

    And that Consent Application B-02/24 to sever a parcel of lands into two pre-existing parcels which have merged on-title the Planning Act, with the severed parcel being 17 McCarthy Street and the retained parcel being 19 McCarthy Street, be approved, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the applicant/owner provide satisfactory legal descriptions (or draft transfer documents containing same) to the satisfaction of the Town. 


    2. That the applicant/owner submit confirmation to the satisfaction of the Planning Division, that the severed and retained parcels, including the location of any existing structure(s) and parking areas thereon, conform to the requirements of the Zoning By-law or alternatively, the applicant/owner apply for and receive final approval of the appropriate Planning Act application in order to seek relief from the requirements of the Zoning By-law.


    3. That any outstanding municipal taxes, fees or charges be paid in full.


    4. That all above conditions be fulfilled within two (2) years of the date of the Notice of Decision, so that the Town is authorized to issue the Certificate of Consent pursuant to Section 53(42) of the Planning Act.


The next meeting is scheduled for October 2, 2024 at 6 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

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