Minutes of Heritage Orangeville

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Heritage Orangeville
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Chair and Secretary at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Councillor D. Sherwood
  • L. Addy
  • H. Daggitt
  • T. Brett
Members Absent:
  • G. Sarazin
Staff Present:
  • M. Adams, Secretary
  • B. Ward, Manager of Planning

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

The Chair acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Chair also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

  • Recommendation: 2025-005
    Moved byL. Addy

    That the minutes of the following meeting are approved: 


  • Recommendation: 2025-006
    Moved byL. Addy

    That the 2025 Heritage Award be added to the Committee's work plan; and

    That the revised 2025 Work Plan, with changes, be approved.


The committee discussed the draft newsletter and had no further comments. Lynda Addy will revise the date on the newsletter and will send the final version to the committee secretary. The committee secretary will contact Communications staff to discuss printing 550 copies of the newsletters in-house.

  • Recommendation: 2025-007
    Moved byH. Daggitt

    That the Awareness Plaque Program process, be approved. 


Councillor Sherwood thanked Ms. Addy for her efforts in preparing the display at the Alder Street recreation centre. She recommended anyone who has not had an opportunity to view the display to view it before it is removed.  

The banners were installed on Broadway, however, due to the weather, seven of the twelve have been lost. Replacement of the lost banners will have to be discussed at a subsequent meeting. 

Councillor Sherwood advised that the Historical Chat held on Tuesday night at Mochaberry was well received by the attendees.

The committee reviewed the budget and questioned if the $4,598 remaining balance can be placed in the projects carried forward category to use for future expenditures.

The Committee discussed the membership for this organization and decided to reinstate the membership for 2025.

  • Recommendation: 2025-008
    Moved byL. Addy

    That the Architectural Conservancy Ontario membership be reinstated. 


Councillor Sherwood advised that this item is covered in items 6.8 and 6.9 below. 

Brandon Ward summarized the report for the Committee. The Committee asked questions regarding the study and the timelines. 

  • Recommendation: 2025-009
    Moved byT. Brett

    That the committee receive the report for information.


Mr. Ward gave an overview of the report, and the committee asked some questions. To assist the consultant in prioritizing properties, Mr. Ward suggested the committee begin thinking about any themes, or any specific properties, that should be considered for designation.

  • Recommendation: 2025-010
    Moved byL. Addy

    That the committee receive the report for information.


Mr. Ward highlighted that staff is seeking input from the committee. The committee discussed the request, and it was decided that Ms. Addy will work with Mr. Ward to provide him with a list of criteria on behalf of the committee.

The committee discussed the proposed renovations of Courtroom 204 at the Orangeville Courthouse. Since the renovations did not affect any of the heritage characteristics of the courtroom, they were in favour of the renovations.

  • Recommendation: 2025-011
    Moved byL. Addy

    That the Committee reviewed and supports the issuance of the heritage permit for the proposed renovations outlined in the Heritage Impact Assessment memo.


Councillor Sherwood explained the new procedure and the rationale for the change to the members. The committee raised no concerns.

Terry Giles, 11A York Street, was seeking clarification on the approval status of the staff report noted in Item 6.7. Councillor Sherwood and Mr. Ward provided clarification and said the report was approved by Council.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2025.

  • Recommendation: 2025-012
    Moved byL. Addy

    That the meeting be adjourned at 7:06 p.m.

No Item Selected