Minutes of Heritage Orangeville

Chair and Secretary Participating Remotely
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
Members Present:
  • L. Addy
  • L. Banks
  • M. Hauck
  • G. Sarazin
Members Absent:
  • Councillor D. Sherwood
Staff Present:
  • B. Ward, Manager of Planning
  • A. Graham, Secretary

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM.

  • Recommendation: 2021-033
    Moved byL. Banks

    That Lynda Addy be appointed as Acting Chair for this meeting.


Lynda Addy spoke for the BIA representative. The winning mural was created by Beckie Morris and titled Part of the Magic. The mural is slated to go up in August 2021.

Alison Scheel thanked the members for helping judge the contest and welcomes the Committee's input in forthcoming contests.

  • Recommendation: 2021-034
    Moved byL. Addy

    That the Committee approve the mural design, thus finalizing the project.


The owner is looking to demolish the rear portion of the addition and install a new two story addition. The property is listed on the Municipal Heritage Register.

The applicant, Matthew Fratarcangeli, proposed a new construction and full demolition of the two story wing at the rear of the house. The proposed plans would remain the same but the wall construction would be updated.

The Committee commented that this would be suitable as there would be no effect on the façade at the front of the structure.

  • Recommendation: 2021-035
    Moved byM. Hauck

    That the Committee accept the proposed demolition of the rear portion of the house.


Brandon Ward explained the Official Plan Review. The first phase of which will look at non-growth management related aspects of the plan, and that this stage would involve Heritage Orangeville. Committee input was requested going forward.

  • Recommendation: 2021-036
    Moved byM. Hauck

    That the Committee members meet informally on an ad hoc basis to discuss the Official Plan Review.

  • Recommendation: 2021-037
    Moved byM. Hauck

    That the Committee appoint Lynda Addy as the Heritage Orangeville representative for the Official Plan Review Steering Committee.


The calendar sub-committee asked that if members had any ideas for a unique construction within the last ten to twenty years, to contact them.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31 PM.

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