Council - Public Meeting Minutes

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Council
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Mayor and Clerk at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Mayor L. Post
  • Councillor J. Andrews
  • Councillor A. Macintosh
  • Councillor D. Sherwood
  • Councillor R. Stevens
Members Absent:
  • Deputy Mayor T. Taylor
  • Councillor T. Prendergast
Staff Present:
  • C. Braan, Treasurer
  • E. Dick, Junior Help Desk Technician
  • S. Doherty, Acting General Manager, Community Services
  • T. Dulisse, Manager, Transportation & Development
  • T. Kocialek, General Manager, Infrastructure Services
  • R. Medeiros, Senior Financial Analyst
  • L. Raftis, Assistant Clerk
  • D. Smith, CAO

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

  • Resolution2024-203
    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Stevens

    That the agenda and any addendums for the October 28, 2024 Council - Public Meeting, be approved.





David Nairn, Theatre Orangeville provided a pre-recorded version of the National Anthem which was played.

The Mayor acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Mayor also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

Mayor Post advised the gallery and viewing audience with respect to the public nature of Council Meetings and that it is webcast. Mayor Post also provided instructions with respect to muting and unmuting during the meeting.

Mayor Post outlined the procedure to be followed during the Non-Statutory Public Meetings.

  • Resolution2024-204
    Moved byCouncillor Sherwood
    Seconded byCouncillor Macintosh

    That Council waive the five-minute timeframe in the procedure by-law to permit Nancy Neale to address Council for a maximum of forty-five minutes.

    Carried Unanimously

    Nancy Neale, Manager, Watson & Associates Economics Ltd. provided a presentation with respect to the 2025 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Rates. Ms. Neale provided a study overview and spoke to the requirements and applicable legislation passed by the province to enhance water, wastewater and stormwater services. She highlighted the current 2024 rates, rate structures and the existing customer profile. Ms. Neale provided details with respect to the volume forecasts, capital infrastructure, capital needs and financing for the 2024-2034 period, as well as the lifecycle infrastructure costs. Ms. Neale highlighted the operating forecast inflation assumptions, operating budgets, base charges, volume charges, and flat rate customers. Ms. Neale shared municipal comparisons for residential properties and spoke to the average annual residential bill and the average percentage increase.

    Ms. Neale explained what stormwater is and the need to manage it. She highlighted rate structures, users forecasts, stormwater system capital needs and financing (2024-2034), lifecycle infrastructure costs, stormwater operating budget, and the establishment of a stormwater capital reserve. Ms. Neale advised Council of the rate structure options and provided municipal comparisons, bill impact, and next steps. 

    Mayor Post invited questions or comments from members of the public.

    Matthew Smith, McCarthy Street expressed concern with collecting stormwater charges based on the size of the property. Mr. Smith received a response from Mayor Post and Ms. Neale. David Smith, CAO advised that staff would provide a recommendation to Council at a future meeting to determine the collection of stormwater charges.

    Mayor Post invited questions or comments from members of Council.

    Councillor Andrews sought clarification with respect to quantifying climate change and best practices in other municipalities. Ms. Neale provided a response to Councillor Andrews. David Smith, CAO advised that staff are working on ensuring the Town's stormwater system is well maintained and working as efficiently as possible. Councillor Andrews commented on the importance of the education component with respect to the stormwater system.

    Councillor Macintosh sought clarification on the water charges for residents that refuse installation of a water meter. Tim Kocialek, General Manager, Infrastructure Services provided the current rate. David Smith, CAO further advised the Town's actions in order to motivate customers to install a water meter.

    Councillor Stevens requested that staff include a 5 year history of rates. David Smith, CAO responded to Councillor Stevens.

    Councillor Sherwood commented on the absorption of the percentage increase to the base rate and sought clarification with respect to why the last study did not include a more sustainable increase. Ms. Neale provided a response to Councillor Sherwood. Tim Kocialek, General Manager, Infrastructure Services spoke to the increase in construction costs during the completion of the last study. Councillor Sherwood sought clarification with respect to the block rate. Ms. Neale provided a response to Councillor Sherwood.

    Mayor Post sought clarification with respect to the reference of water fleet. Ms. Neale provided a response to Mayor Post detailing that the water fleet includes vehicles and equipment.

    Mayor Post provided comment on the economic difficulty faced by many and the inherited infrastructure asset challenges faced by Council.

    Councillor Sherwood sought clarification with respect to separating stormwater rates from property taxes. David Smith, CAO provided a response to Councillor Sherwood and spoke to next steps.

  • Resolution2024-205
    Moved byCouncillor Stevens
    Seconded byCouncillor Macintosh

    That report PM-2024-005, 2025 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Rates, be received for information.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Councillor Stevens declared a conflict on this item. (Indirect pecuniary interest.)
  • Note: Councillor Stevens left the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Sherwood

    That Council waive the five minute timeframe in the procedure by-law to permit Cheryl Braan to address Council for a maximum of ten minutes.


    Cheryl Braan, Treasurer provided a presentation with respect to the proposed consolidated fees and charges by-law. Ms. Braan spoke to the long term integrated financial strategy and detailed its guiding principles:

    • long term strategic alignment,
    • regulatory compliance,
    • holistic approach,
    • risk management,
    • diversified revenue and funding,
    • stakeholder engagement,
    • transparency and accountability, and
    • sustainability.

    Ms. Braan advised that the first step to a long-term integrated financial strategy is fees and charges. She highlighted the benefits of consolidating fees charged based on services, relevant legislation, and the role of the user fee and the process. Ms. Braan provided a high level overview of the proposed increases and spoke to next steps.

  • Councillor Stevens declared a conflict on this item. (Indirect pecuniary interest.)

Noel Ramsey, Fead Street highlighted the costs to maintain and operate the Alder pool and spoke to the user fees for non-residents. Mr. Ramsey suggested increasing user fees for non-residents or asking area municipalities to compensate as Orangeville is providing a service to their residents.

Mayor Post advised that Council is working on rectifying this and recovering finances from neighbouring municipalities for services provided to their residents. David Smith, CAO provided a response to Mr. Ramsey and advised that it is a priority of staff.

Mayor Post invited questions or comments from members of the public. No questions or comments were raised. 

Mayor Post invited questions or comments from members of Council.

Councillor Andrews sought clarification with respect to the inclusion of advertising fees.

Sharon Doherty, Acting General Manager, Community Services provided a response to Councillor Andrews with respect to the research conducted behind this decision.

  • Councillor Stevens declared a conflict on this item. (Indirect pecuniary interest.)
  • Resolution2024-207
    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Sherwood

    That report PM-2024-004, Consolidated Fees and Charges, be received for information. 

    Carried Unanimously

    Note: Councillor Stevens returned to the meeting at 8:24 p.m.

  • Resolution2024-208
    Moved byCouncillor Sherwood
    Seconded byCouncillor Macintosh

    That the by-laws listed below be read three times and finally passed:

  • Resolution2024-209
    Moved byCouncillor Macintosh
    Seconded byCouncillor Stevens

    That the meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

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