Minutes of a Community Improvement Committee Meeting

Electronic Participation

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Community Improvement Plan Committee
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Chair and Secretary at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • M. Vinden
  • Deputy Mayor T. Taylor
  • W. Speirs
  • J. Jackson
  • G. Sarazin
  • S. Koroscil

The meeting was called to order at 8:06 a.m.

The Chair James Jackson read the land acknowledgement.

That the minutes of the following meeting are approved: 

  • Moved byJ. Jackson
    Seconded byT. Taylor

    That the minutes of the following meeting are approved: 


Matthew Mair announced Melissa Vinden's resignation. 

Shawn Koroscil asked the planning staff to confirm the total sum that will added to next year's budget. Matthew Mair affirmed a total of $45,000.00 will added to next year's grant fund.

Matthew Mair requested for the Committee's input on the report to Council.

Deputy Mayor, Todd Taylor look to planning staff to confirm what the zone 2 landscaping incentive entails in which staff shed light on the current development applications and the challenges to create motive for property owners and developers to maintain and enhance the landscaping.  He spoke to a recent expansion that had to undergo a minor variance in which the Committee provided their approval with the condition that the Company will invest in their landscaping. He stated negotiation may be the only way with some of the companies that are not as engaged.

Matthew Mair provided more detail on the launch of zone 2 that will include working with the Economic Development team to promote the roll of the program. 

The Committee suggested as a way to promote the program to reach out to larger businesses in the industrial zone and educate them. The Economic Development and Culture Manager, Katrina Lemire stated it may be beneficial to provide outreach to both small and large businesses as the initiative is to make the entire zone more 'green'. 

Wade Speirs recommended that the Town take the initiative to plant additional trees and enhance the streetscape value on the municipally owned portion of land in order to meet businesses halfway. However, companies will have to ensure that they are prepared to invest as well.

Shawn Koroscil asked whether we could provide an incentive, such as a tax discount for properties with huge vacant land that are willing to beautify them. Matthew Mair, advised it may be difficult as there's a lot of interest for property owners looking to expand or sever the lot. 

Gary Sarazin stated that zone 2 maybe beyond the Committee's program and that the Committee should provide focus solely on the CBD. In response, Matthew Mair confirmed the purpose of the CIP and outlined the goals of the program.

The Committee discussed to maximize outreach efforts, the Town should not only speak to the tenants but the property owners as well and if possible to look at expanding boundaries in zone 1.  

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday October 15th, 2024 at 8 a.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 a.m.

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