Minutes of Orangeville OPP Detachment Board Regular (Public Session) Meeting

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Orangeville OPP Detachment Board
Town Hall Council Chambers
87 Broadway
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Chair Taylor
  • Vice-Chair McSweeney
  • Member Post
  • Member Maycock
  • Member Armstrong
  • Member Weatherbee
Staff Present:
  • Executive Assistant M. Archer
  • Inspector Di Pasquale
  • Mona Pourmanouchehri

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m.

Board Review and Discussion:

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board discuss and approve the Agenda for the June 25, Orangeville OPP Detachment Board Regular (Public Session) Meeting. 

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Convene into In-Camera Session.

    Motion that at 4:03 p.m. the Board convene into the In-Camera Session of this meeting under Part III, Section 35(4) of the Police Services Act. 

Zina Street Court House


New Board Members


Police Record Checks for Council-Appointed New Members


Adoption of Previous In-Camera and Special Meeting Minutes


New Business

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Convene into Public Session.

    Motion that at 5:00 p.m. the Board reconvene into the Public Session of this meeting.

The Chair acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Chair also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

Chair Taylor welcomed guests in the gallery to the meeting.

Community member, Gary Vipond advised that he recently met with Inspector Di Pasquale and  thanked him for the meeting.  He advised the noise in his neighbourhood has a been a concern for some time. Mr. Vipond advised that on 2 different occasions the OPP had placed ads in the local newspaper describing an initiative called, "Quiet Running" and enquired as to follow up.

Inspector Di Pasquale advised that he was not familiar with the results of that initiative, but advised there is a Provincial initiative call Project Erase which stands for Eradicate Racing Activity on Streets Everywhere.  

Mr. Vipond advised that the issue is beyond rumbling motors and that some residents are fearful.  During one incident in the area of Zina and Clara a resident fell off their bike as result of a very loud backfire from a vehicle. He stated that residents are happy to help resolve the issue but are also fearful of an altercation if trying to get a license plate or photo of the offenders.  He also mentioned Anthony Carnevale's newspaper article where Anthony indicated that he is not looking for complete silence but a certain level of respect.

Mr. Vipond also referred to a newspaper article from a London newspaper where the local police did a blitz on noisy mufflers, etc. in 2020 and reported that 110 charges were laid. 

Chair Taylor said that residents need to know that there is a plan and what the outcome is. Chair Taylor advised that last year Dufferin OPP ran a blitz called Project Running and asked if the Inspector could advise on the results of that program.

Inspector Di Pasquale advised he will send out a direction to all officers to address illegally modified vehicles and officers will be provided training and resources to address this concern.  They will also partner with MTO to target illegally modified vehicles.  He will also speak to his media team to determine how the OPP can better inform the public on the law and repercussions of any non-compliance. Inspector Di Pasquale advised that the public can help by reporting any incidents through the online reporting tool or the non-emergent OPP line - 1 888 310-1122

Chair Taylor invited James Bramley, Supervisor, Licensing and By-law Enforcement for the Town of Orangeville to speak to the matter.  Mr. Bramley advised that they can only enforce bylaws on private property.  He encouraged members of the public to maintain a 2 week log of any issues they experience and then report it to bylaw using either their online portal or calling Town Bylaw.  He advised it is important to provide the following details: address, where the problem is occurring and the time it occurs. He advised they also try to educate the public on this matter.

Vice-Chair McSweeney asked Inspector Di Pasquale if there is a way there could be greater police presence on the streets that are known to be a problem. Inspector Di Pasquale advised that is where they need the public's assistance in identifying locations, times and trends to assist them with targeted enforcement and presence where needed.

Winston Newton Bogart also spoke and advised he is part of Vipond's neighbourhood group. Mr. Bogart advised that when they first complained to police about the issue they did have increased police presence and in fact police sat in his driveway. He said one of the problem times is over the school lunch hour and when school is being let out.  He expects that over the upcoming long weekend there will be issues 24 hrs./day.  He also stated that many motorists use Zina as a bypass to Broadway and the issue isn't just noise, but speeding and failing to stop at stop signs. He re-iterated the worst times are from the time school is out until about 7:00 pm and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings.

Bob Murray, a resident of Zina Street also spoke and advised that the noise detracts from their enjoyment of their back garden. As well, his grand daughter attends school in the neighbourhood and he wants it to be safe for all of the children.

Another resident spoke and said that she has a concern about the Spencer and Riddell area due to speeding cars and cars revving loudly.  She described the problem time as Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings between 10 pm and 2 am.

Member Post thanked the community members for attending and voicing their concerns. She advised as Mayor that Town Council is actively looking at these concerns. A traffic study was conducted at the west end of Zina and there wasn't a significant speeding problem found.  Town staff have been asked to conduct the study further east on Zina. The Town is aware that Zina and Elizabeth streets are used as a bypass for Broadway and the situation is being monitored. The Town does have a traffic calming strategy and is still in the information and data gathering phase to assist in determining next best steps.

Chair Taylor advised that there will be more to come on Spencer Ave. in the future.

Inspector Di Pasquale reviewed the Detachment Commander's Report for the months of April and May 2024.  The following are some of the highlights:

  • 23% reduction in violent crime over the same period last year.
  • 38% reduction in property crime and break & enters were down 71.4 % and he attributes that partly to the great work of the Street Crime Unit
  • 75% reduction in drug crime
  • The Detachment has done 158 hrs. of foot patrol to maintain visibility and 170 hrs. of RIDE.
  • In April of this year there were 68 mental health occurrences and 78 in May.
  • On the Easter long weekend the Dufferin Detachment was in the top 3 detachments in the Central Region for enforcements stats. and on the pending long weekend they will be focusing on the top 4 reasons for traffic accidents.

Member Armstrong asked if the increase in domestic violence that Orangeville has seen is that consistent with other OPP detachments in the Central West region and Insp. Di Pasquale advised that he didn't know but could look into that and get back to the Board.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Orangeville OPP Detachment Report for April and May of 2024 and overview provided by Inspector Di Pasquale be received.

Chair Taylor advised that the Board Report presentation to Town Council on June 24th was very well received and no substantive changes to it are required.  Vice-Chair McSweeney asked EA Archer to remove the draft watermark and date it June 30th prior to circulation. 

Vice-Chair McSweeney asked the Board for authorization to provide a copy of the Annual Report to Lisa Darling, Executive Director of the OAPSB. Ms. Darling would like to post the report on the OAPSB's website as an example for other boards. The Board members approved Vice-Chair McSweeney's request.

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board approve the Annual Report and EA Archer will send it to the Town Council members and copy the Board members, the Town CAO and the Clerk's Dept. 


Chair Taylor asked Member Armstrong if he could review the workplan - Appendix A of Policy D3(t) with a critical eye and report back to the Board at its next meeting. Member Armstrong will reach out to the other new members for assistance if required. 

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that Member Armstrong will review the workplan and report back to the Board with any recommendations/revisions at our next regular Board meeting in September.


Chair Taylor congratulated member Weatherbee on her appointment to the Board for a period of 2 years.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board receive the appointment letter for Jacquelin Weatherbee.


Vice-Chair McSweeney provided background on the issue. Under the CSPA the Board, as an OPP detachment board, is no longer considered a “local board” under the Municipal Act. Our current insurer advised that, as result, they do not have a risk appetite to insuring the Board as a separate entity. As a result, the Board is no longer covered under the Town’s insurance policy effective April 1, 2024.  This is an issue province-wide for OPP detachment boards. While Board members are protected under CSPA ss.48(1) for all acts done in good faith the Board as a whole is not protected and under ss.48(2) is expressly liable for member acts/omissions as if ss.48(1) had not been enacted. Even though the Board has no assets, legal fees are still an issue.

Vice-Chair McSweeney further advised that Lisa Darling, Executive Director for OAPSB has indicated that the OAPSB is approximately 3 weeks away from announcing the development of an insurance product to be available to boards through insurance brokers.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney.  


Vice-Chair McSweeney asked that EA Archer itemize the claims on the agendas/minutes in the future as follows:

•    M. Archer - May 17, 2024 – New member orientation - $100.00
•    J. Weatherbee - May 17, 2024 – New member orientation- $100.00
•    I. McSweeney - May 17, 2024 – New member orientation - $100.00
•    I. McSweeney - June 4, 2024 – OAPSB Spring Conference - $100.00
•    I. McSweeney - June 14, 2024 – Special Meeting re Annual Report - $100.00
•    T. Taylor - June 14, 2024 – Special Meeting re Annual Report - $100.00
•    J. Weatherbee - June 14, 2024 – Special Meeting re Annual Report - $100.00
•    L. Post - June 14, 2024 – Special Meeting re Annual Report - $100.00
•    W. Maycock - June 14, 2024 – Special Meeting re Annual Report - $100.00
•    M. Archer - June 14, 2024 – Special Meeting re Annual Report- $100.00
•    M. Archer - Work on MCRT grant application. June 10 and 11th, 2024 – 4.5 hrs @ $70.00/hr. - $315.00

Total Claims - $1,315.00

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board approve the above special remuneration claims and direct Exec. Asst. Archer to submit same to the Town for payment.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised that the post May 21, 2024 and the pre June 25, 2024 Meeting Service Standards were almost 100% compliant.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board receive the discussion on the Meeting Service Standards and the attached documents.


Chair Taylor advised the Board is on pace with its 2024 budget with approx. 21% of it's budget spent in the first quarter of the year.  Member Armstrong stated that we will need a line item for insurance moving forward. Also, the new Board composition has an additional member which will need to be accounted for in the next budget. Chair Taylor will provide the Board with a draft budget for 2025 at the September Board meeting for review. The budget process referenced in the workplan should be revised with a September start date. The Board’s budget process is governed by CSPA s.71 and described in our governance memo.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Chair Taylor and the attached 1st quarter report and Chair Taylor will prepare a draft budget for 2025 for review at the September Regular Board meeting.


Chair Taylor advised that in the period May 1 - May 31 there were 19 false alarms and on only one occasion was there a repeat false alarm at the same location.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board receive the update on False Alarms provided by Chair Taylor.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the minutes of the following meeting are approved: May 21, 2024 regular (Public Session) Meeting.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised he is also the Vice-Chair of the OAPSB Zone 5 executive. He advised that currently the boards that make up Zone 5 are in various stages organizing under the CSPA. As well, many are hesitant to have meetings and also because of the unresolved insurance. As a result, the Zone 5 executive decided to stand down on having meetings for now.  Vice-Chair McSweeney will advise when the Zone 5 meetings resume.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney and the attached document.


Chair Taylor advised the Archival Services Agreement was revised to be compliant with the new CSPA and has now been approved by the Board and the Clerks Department.  Vice-Chair McSweeney reminded the Board that the Archival Services Agreement operates in conjunction with the Board Bylaw 002/24.

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney and the attached documents.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised he attended the conference on June 4, 2024.  At the conference it was apparent that most OPP detachment boards were still unclear on specific requirements for CSPA compliance moving forward.  Ryan Teschner, Inspector General of Policing spoke at the conference but spoke at a high level rather than providing practical details for boards. Inspector General Teschner advised that he plans to visit all OPP detachment boards in 2024 and is about halfway through the list. Vice-Chair McSweeney asked if the Board would approve him inviting the Inspector General to our September Board meeting. Sean Tout, Senior Manager with the OPP gave a presentation and indicated that the board Annual Reports to town council deadline may be pushed back to June 30, 2025.  There was also a presentation from Haldimand OPP Detachment Board on how to operationalize a board under the CSPA. 

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney and authorize him to invite the Inspector General to a future Board meeting.


Chair Taylor advised that the website is looking good and would like to see a group photo of the Board added to it. He suggested that we can try to do this at the September Board meeting. Vice-Chair McSweeney advised that the goal is to be able to link to all our governance documents and other appropriate resources on our website.  Currently there is not space available on the Town web page to accommodate this.  EA Archer was asked to set up a meeting with the Communications Dept. in the coming weeks for further discussion and resolution on this matter.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Chair Taylor and Vice-Chair McSweeney and EA Archer will set up a meeting in July with the Communications Dept. to have further discussion on setting up hyperlinks to all appropriate documents on our webpage.



Vice-Chair McSweeney advised that the Board has received 4 requests from other OPP Detachments Board to share our governance documents and our draft Annual Report.  Vice-Chair McSweeney asked for authorization to share our approved Annual Report and our governance documents with the OAPSB.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byChair Taylor

    Motion that the Board receive the above update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney and authorize Vice-Chair McSweeney to share the approved Annual Report and the Board's governance documents with the OAPSB.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised the Board should push back the ratifications until the September meeting given the current quorum and member police check delay - see item 4.3.

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the re-ratifications/ratifications and approvals be deferred to the September Regular meeting.


Member Armstrong commented that the Action Register is somewhat confusing as to what projects are active and which ones are completed.  Member Armstrong agreed to review the Action Plan Register along with the Workplan discussed above for efficiencies and effectiveness and eliminate any redundancies between the Action Register and the Workplan.  Member Post advised the Action Register provides a running log of the ongoing projects in play and who is responsible for them where as the Workplan provides a list of roles and responsibilities of the Board. 

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board receive the attachment and discussion and Member Armstrong will review the Action Register along with the Work plan for efficiencies and report back to the Board with recommendations at the September Regular Board meeting.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised that the OAPSB Executive Director, Lisa Darling had been in touch with him regarding the naming of OPP detachment boards and, in particular, whether such boards have the authority to name themselves.  Ms. Darling advised she had reached out to the Ministry on this issue and was advised that the Ministry encourages detachment boards to seek their own legal advice regarding their ability to make by-laws regarding the naming of their board. In an email response to Lisa Darling, Vice-Chair McSweeney offered the below solution based on the Board’s By-Law 001/24 which reads in part:

"The Board shall be responsible for those duties as set out in the Act and regulations as well as Board policies and by-laws, including Section 68 and Section 67(6) of the Act, and shall at all times discharge those duties in accordance with the Board’s Code of Conduct set out in Section 67(4) of the Act and O. Reg. 409/23.....

The Board may pass By-Laws to establish its procedures, rules and protocols.   Every By-Law shall be introduced upon Motion by a Member...."


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised that a simple way to address the issue would be to add "name" into the above as follows:

"The Board may pass By-Laws to establish its name, procedures, rules and protocols. 

Vice-Chair McSweeney recommended we update our By-Law 001/24 as above.

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that Vice-Chair McSweeney will update By-Law 001/24 that governs the procedure of the Board as stated above for review and approval of the Board at the September Regular Board (Public Session) meeting.


The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the meeting be adjourned at 6:37 p.m.

No Item Selected