Minutes of Orangeville OPP Detachment Board Regular (Public Session) Meeting

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Orangeville OPP Detachment Board
Town Hall Council Chambers
87 Broadway
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Chair T. Taylor
  • Vice-Chair McSweeney
  • Member Post
  • Member Maycock
  • Member Armstrong
  • Member J. Corrado Weatherbee
Staff Present:
  • Executive Assistant M. Archer

The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board discuss and approve the Agenda for the September 24th, Orangeville OPP Detachment Board Regular (Public Session) Meeting. 

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Post

    Convene into In-Camera Session.

    Motion that at 4:03 p.m. the Board convene into the In-Camera Session of this meeting under Part III, Section 35(4) of the Police Services Act. 


Adoption of Previous In-Camera and Special Meeting Minutes


Member Remuneration Discussion


Board Bylaws - Member Voting Decision


Board Communication and Engagement


New Business

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Convene into Public Session.

    Motion that at 5:00 p.m. the Board reconvene into the Public Session of this meeting.


The Chair acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Chair also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

No questions.


The topics outlined in Item 4 above were discussed as well Chair Taylor and Inspector Di Pasquale gave an update on the Zina Courthouse concerns.

Chair Taylor advised that with the new CSPA legislation we acquired 3 new Board members ( one provincial appointee and 2 Council Community appointees) Records checks needed to be completed on each appointee and this requirement took some time.  Town Council has confirmed that all records checks were completed, and they have provided confirmation of all the new members. 

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Chair Taylor.


Chair Taylor advised that the Board continued to be operational pending the above completion of records checks.

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board ratify and adopt all post April 1, 2024 motions, actions, and meetings up to September 23rd, 2024.


There were no questions in respect to the 2nd Quarter Billing Summary. 

Inspector Di Pasquale reviewed the Detachment Commander's 2nd Quarter Report for the months of April, May and June 2024.  (please see attached report for details)

Member Weatherbee inquired as to the reason for increase in sexual offences in comparison to the same time period last year.

Inspector Di Pasquale advised he would have to look into it further to advise.  He said one thing that could impact the number is victims feeling more comfortable coming forward to report these incidents.

Chair Taylor commented on the increase in mental health occurrences and Inspector Di Pasquale commented that this could be partly as result of the very successful MCRT program that is in place in partnership with Headwaters Health Care Centre and the engagement with other community partners.

Inspector Di Pasquale highlighted that the Auxiliary Unit continue to be very active in the 2nd Quarter.

Member Armstrong commented that he felt the engagement of the Auxiliary unit with the public at Ribfest was excellent.

Chair Taylor asked Inspector Di Pasquale to ask his officers for input on how they felt the Blues and Jazz Festival went from their perspective. Inspector De Pasquale advised he would get back to Chair Taylor with that feedback.

Inspector Di Pasquale advised that the OPP opened a Collision Reporting Centre at the Primrose Detachment in May of this year.  It is open Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm at the front of the Detachment.  

Vice-Chair McSweeney asked if the 2nd quarter report had been passed on to Town Council and Chair Taylor advised that he had forwarded it to Town Council members.

Vice-Chair McSweeney asked if there were any updates on the status of the 2023 Dufferin OPP Progress Report and Inspector Di Pasquale advised he has no update on that. 

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Orangeville OPP Detachment 2nd Quarter Report for April, May and June of 2024 and overview provided by Inspector Di Pasquale be received.


Inspector Di Pasquale advised there is a pending event where the OPP is partnering with MTO and the Orangeville Bylaw employees to address Modified Muffler infractions.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Inspector Di Pasquale.


Inspector Di Pasquale advised that Dufferin Detachment had a very successful Safe Driver Initiative in July of this year.  He advised the results in the Dufferin Detachment were the best in the Central Region. He advised his officers continue to focus on the Big 4, aggressive driving, impaired driving, distracted driving and seatbelt infractions.  The Inspector reminded the public to call 911 if they see an imminent driving concern and for non-emergent concerns, please report them online or call the OPP non-emergent number.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the update provided by Inspector Di Pasquale be received.


Chair Taylor advised that he has received complaints from citizens about the use of streets in their neighborhoods by the Driver Training Schools in Orangeville and the disruption it causes.

Inspector Di Pasquale advised they will enforce traffic laws in all areas of Orangeville.  This specific concern may be better addressed by the Town Bylaw Dept.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Inspector Di Pasquale and Chair Taylor on driver training.


Chair Taylor advised that a couple of businesses in town have stepped forward to sponsor a ghost cruiser (an OPP cruiser that is unattended to mitigate traffic concerns). 

Inspector Di Pasquale advised there can be a concern with doing this when a person may attend that cruiser for assistance and find it unattended.  He further advised he would require approval from GHQ for this type of initiative.

Member Armstrong asked the Inspector if there is any data that placing a ghost cruiser is effective in mitigating traffic speeds. 

Inspector Di Pasquale advised he would have to inquire with GHQ to provide an informed response.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Chair Taylor and Inspector Di Pasquale.


Member Post advised that Town staff are currently looking into options in relation to Automated Speed Enforcement and the municipality has to be compliant with Provincial legislation in relation to this matter. She anticipates that Town staff will present a report with recommendations in the next couple of months and at that time she will provide the Board with an update.

Inspector Di Pasquale advised the OPP would support municipal direction on this matter.

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the ASE update provided by Member Post.


Chair Taylor provided an update on the July and August false alarms as follows:

In the period June 28 - July 31 there were 16 false alarms and only 1 repeat alarm at a business location.

In the period August 1 - August 31 there were 15 alarms and only 1 repeat alarm at a business location.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the False Alarm Report provided by Chair Taylor be received.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised that he received a response from Ryan Teschner advising that he wouldn't be able to attend a meeting of the Orangeville OPP Detachment Board in the foreseeable future. Vice-Chair McSweeney advised him it was an open invitation and will follow-up with him again reference availability.

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney.


Chair Taylor advised we are on track with our 2024 Board budget.  He advised the budget has been previously set in a legacy manner. In the next item there will be discussion on the OPP Detachment Board budget moving forward.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the year to date financials titled July 2024 PSB Financials.


Chair Taylor is proposing a flat budget of $95,492.00, the same total amount as last year.

Member Post asked if a flat budget will provide for an additional member this year. 

Member Weatherbee asked Vice-Chair McSweeney if he foresees an increase in memberships and subscriptions this year. Vice-Chair McSweeney advised he doesn't see an increase in the cost of memberships and subscriptions.

Chair Taylor advised the retiree benefits are in relation to Orangeville Police Service Member benefits as that is a closed business and finance felt it was most appropriate to place in the Board budget.  This item will disappear in the next couple of years.

Member Maycock advised if we are confident with the bottom line that is most important, and the budget lines can be revised as required.

Member Weatherbee advised training and conference attendance will be important for the members.

Member Armstrong advised he would like to see more detail in the line items for example where are member per diem costs covered, education, and is there appropriate coverage for insurance and will there be an insurance deductible if a claim is made?

Chair Taylor advised it will go back to Town Finance for further review.  He is not certain whether insurance will fall under the Board budget or elsewhere.

Member Post suggested that conferences, workshops and training be merged under professional development.

Member Armstrong asked can the Board over spend on line items as long as the overall budget is not overspent.

Chair Taylor advised Member Armstrong that is correct.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that Chair Taylor will send the budget forward to finance and will work on the realigning the line items based on the above discussion. Vice-Chair McSweeney will review Sec. 71 of the CSPA regulations for the Board, and report via email.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised that Exec. Assistant Archer and himself had completed reformatting all the policies and have received requests from other Boards to share our governance policies. 

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney.


All members advised they have accessed the OAPSB Database.

Vice-Chair McSweeney advised he participated in a zoom meeting where the logo for OPP Detachment Boards were discussed.  The OAPSB wants a universal naming protocol which will be outlined in an amended regulation. The Orangeville OPP Detachment Board may have to have Dufferin in it's logo and it's name.  Vice-Chair McSweeney will advise when more information in reference to this comes available. 

Vice-Chair McSweeney advised the OAPSB remuneration survey was submitted.  Our Board orientation materials for new members as well as our governance policies has been shared with the OAPSB.

The OAPSB Spring Conference is scheduled for June 3 - 5, 2024 at the Best Western in London.  Vice-Chair McSweeney highly recommends Board members attend.

Member Post requested Ms. Archer to complete a Board Calendar once the Board determines it's regular public meeting dates for 2025 and on that calendar add dates for upcoming conferences and training events.

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney and the above discussion and determine attendance at the June OAPSB conference at the November Board meeting.


Chair Taylor advised he has been notified that some members have completed the mandatory Thematic Training.  Chair Taylor reminded members that the training is required to be completed by the later of Sept. 30th or within 6 months of your appointment to the Board.

Chair Taylor requested all members forward proof of completion to Ms. Archer upon completion of the course.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the above discussion.


Chair Taylor advised that Member Post and Vice-Chair McSweeney and himself discussed the matter with the Town CAO, David Smith and it was determined that the best option for the Orangeville OPP Detachment Board was to secure insurance through the OAPSB group insurance arrangement.

Vice-Chair McSweeney advised the OAPSB option requires 40 Boards to sign up for it and it will cost approximately $3600.00 to $4,000.00 annually. 

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Chair Taylor and Vice-Chair McSweeney and the above attachments and instruct Vice-Chair McSweeney and Ms. Archer to complete and submit the application to the OAPSB for insurance coverage as soon as possible.


Chair Taylor advised the MCRT Grant application was successfully completed and submitted, and we are now awaiting to hear if we were successful in our application.

Ms. Archer advised that Sgt. Pencarinha was instrumental in completing this task.

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the update on the MCRT Grant,

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byVice-Chair McSweeney

    Motion that the Board approve and direct Ms. Archer to submit claims to payroll for payment.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the Board receive the Semi Annual Remuneration Report,


Chair Taylor advised the Service Standards post the June 25th meeting and pre-Sept. 24th meeting were met.

  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the discussion on the Meeting Service Standards and the attached documents.


Vice-Chair McSweeney encourage members to attend the next Zone 5 meeting hosted by Guelph Police October 22nd.  Member Maycock and Member Weatherbee indicated they will try to attend.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney on Zone 5.


Member Armstrong asked that we push this forward to the next meeting. 

Vice-Chair McSweeney will provide an update on Workplan tasks at the next meeting following Member Armstrong's recommendations on policy D3(t) Appendix A as per item 11.23 above.

Vice-Chair McSweeney asked Ms. Archer to circulate policy D3(t) and Appendix A as well as the current Action Register to members for review.

Chair Taylor advised the 2024 Annual Report was very well received by Town Council members and he would like the Board to receive the final document. The Report has been posted on the Board's website.


  • Moved byMember Post
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the Final 2024 Annual Report submitted to Town Council.


Vice-Chair McSweeney advised the website is in good shape and the 2024 Annual Report has been posted.  Currently there is a list of the Board's governance documents posted but the documents themselves are not posted. Vice-Chair McSweeney and Ms. Archer met with the Tabitha Wells reference a solution for posting the governance documents.  Ms. Archer will be meeting with Tabitha again at the beginning of October to determine next steps.  The documents will be posted as one consolidated PDF due to limitations of the website,

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Vice-Chair McSweeney.

  • Moved byVice-Chair McSweeney
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the minutes of the June 25th, 2024 Regular Public meeting are approved: 


Ms. Archer advised she will be meeting with the Clerk's office and I.T. on October 7th to review archived Orangeville Police records to determine if based on the approved Archive Retention Bylaw if any records are due for disposal.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 19th, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Post

    Motion that the meeting be adjourned at 6:42 p.m.

No Item Selected