Council Meeting Minutes

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Council
The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville
(Mayor and Clerk at Town Hall - 87 Broadway)
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Mayor L. Post
  • Deputy Mayor T. Taylor
  • Councillor J. Andrews
  • Councillor A. Macintosh
  • Councillor T. Prendergast
  • Councillor D. Sherwood
  • Councillor R. Stevens
Staff Present:
  • D. Currie, Manager, Capital Works
  • C. Cosgrove, Manager, Facilities and Parks
  • S. Doherty, Acting General Manager, Community Services
  • M. Jhajj, Acting Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer
  • T. Kocialek, General Manager, Infrastructure Services
  • R. Martell, Town Clerk
  • A. Minichillo, General Manager, Corporate Services
  • L. Raftis, Assistant Clerk
  • H. Savage, Acting CAO
  • A. Sigdel, Asset Management Specialist

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.

  • Resolution2024-124
    Moved byCouncillor Sherwood
    Seconded byCouncillor Macintosh

    That the agenda and any addendums for the July 8, 2024 Council Meeting, be approved.

    Carried Unanimously

David Nairn, Theatre Orangeville provided a pre-recorded version of the National Anthem which was played. 

The Mayor acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Mayor also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

Mayor Post advised the gallery and viewing audience with respect to the public nature of Council Meetings and that it is webcast. Mayor Post also provided instructions with respect to muting and unmuting during the meeting.

  • Resolution2024-125
    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Prendergast

    That the minutes of the following meeting be approved:

Noel Ramsey, Fead Street expressed concern with the management of the Town of Orangeville assets and asked about the process for addressing these concerns with Council.

Laura Reed, Howard Crescent asked a question with respect to the 10 year budget for the swimming pool at Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre and future plans with the space.

Margaret O'Brien, Oak Ridge Drive expressed the need for two pools in the Town of Orangeville.

Stephanie Coombes, Highland Drive expressed the need to teach youth to swim and better management of the Town of Orangeville finances.

Note: Council recessed from 7:33 p.m. to 7:38 p.m.

Nera Jaksyk, Bythia Street expressed concern with the Town of Orangeville finances.

Matthew Smith, McCarthy Street asked a question with respect to the trail behind the Avalon Retirement Lodge.

Rita Payne, Bythia Street expressed support of keeping the swimming pool at Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre open.

Michelle Hartley, Morgandale Crescent expressed concerns with the current booking system for the Town of Orangeville swimming pools, the lighting at rink B at the Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre and suggested partnering with the Credit Valley Conservation Area. Ms. Hartley asked if Members of Council are in favour of a second pool in the Town of Orangeville.

Kelly Miller-Purdie, Mono spoke to the need of two pools and expressed concerns with respect to current shared lane swims.

David Waugh, Amanda Street asked a question with respect to funding for capital investments.

James Jackson, Carleton Drive expressed concern with respect to the transit service and asked if First Student staff are being trained on accessibility. 

Ric Ugolini, Cedar Drive expressed concern with the width of the sidewalk on the bridge on John Street.

Noel Ramsey, Fead Street further expressed concern with respect to the budget and Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre.

Ric Ugolini, Cedar Drive asked a question with respect to supplying water to neighbouring municipalities.

Thomas Uda, Engagement Manager, Advisory Services provided a presentation with respect to the Town of Orangeville Asset Management Plan. Mr. Uda and Aman Singh, Senior Partner, Advisory Services answered questions from Council.

Mary Jane Gerber, York Street spoke to equitable access to the health benefits of swimming. 

Kimberly Mason le Riche, Orangeville spoke to her history of working with aging population and the need for aquatic facilities in the Town of Orangeville.

Shirley Ramsey, Fead Street expressed concerns with respect to report CMS-2024-011, Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre - Mechanical Failure (Pool).

Note: Council recessed from 8:56 to 9:02 p.m.

  • Resolution2024-126
    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Prendergast

    That all Consent Agenda items for the current Council Meeting listed under 13.1 Staff Reports, 13.2 Correspondence, and 13.3 Committee/Board Minutes, be received or approved as presented with the exception of the items removed for individual consideration.

    Items Removed: 13.1.1, 13.1.2, and 13.1.3

    Carried Unanimously
  • Resolution2024-127
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Taylor
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrews

    That report CPS-2024-044, 2024 Asset Management Plan for Non-Core Infrastructure Assets, be received; and

    That Council approve the 2024 Asset Management Plan for Non-Core Infrastructure Assets as presented.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Resolution2024-128
    Moved byMayor Post
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrews

    That report CMS-2024-011, Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre – Mechanical Failure (Pool), be received; and

    That Council select Option 2: Closure of the Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre Pool, Staff conduct a Facility Needs Assessment Study and report back to Council; and

    That the recreation team and the transportation team meet to discuss potential opportunities to maximize and communicate existing public transit routes between Tony Rose and Alder to ensure access for seniors and others in the area who are accustomed to pedestrian access to the Tony Rose facility; and

    That Council authorize the Mayor to continue discussions with Upper Grand District School Board and to start discussions with both the YMCA and the County of Dufferin Mayors to discuss partnership opportunities to enhance aquatics and other recreation offerings in Orangeville and the greater region; and

    That the Mayor report back to Council in the form of Council Memos following these discussions.

    Yes (5)Councillor Andrews, Mayor Post, Councillor Sherwood, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councillor Macintosh
    No (2)Councillor Stevens, and Councillor Prendergast
    Carried (5 to 2)
  • Resolution2024-129
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Taylor
    Seconded byCouncillor Andrews

    That report 2024-06-24, Sign Variance Application – Dufferin Wildlife Supplies – 287A Broadway, be received; and

    That Council grant a variance to Sign By-law 28-2013, as amended, to permit the placement of a ground sign at 287A Broadway measuring 1.8 m x 1.8 m, having a sign area of 3.24 m2, which exceeds the maximum permitted sign area of 1.5 m2; and

    That staff prioritize the Sign By-law review in 2025.

    Yes (5)Councillor Andrews, Mayor Post, Deputy Mayor Taylor, Councillor Macintosh, and Councillor Prendergast
    No (2)Councillor Sherwood, and Councillor Stevens
    Carried (5 to 2)
  • That report CPS-2024-043, CCBF Municipal Funding Agreement, be received; and

    That Council pass a by-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Municipal Funding Agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario under the Canada Community-Building Fund for 2024-2034.

    Carried through consent

  • Resolution2024-130
    Moved byCouncillor Andrews
    Seconded byCouncillor Macintosh

    That Council approve considering the following motion at the present meeting in accordance with s. 7.12.5 of the Procedure By-law.

    Carried Unanimously
  • Resolution2024-131
    Moved byCouncillor Prendergast
    Seconded byCouncillor Macintosh

    Whereas, the Town has limited water supply capacity to service future developments beyond what is currently approved or in progress towards approval. Existing town wells have been in service for an average age of 34 years. Several wells experienced decline in efficiency and supply capacity; and

    Whereas, on June 3 2024 Council passed bylaw 2024-040 the Lawn and Garden Watering - A by-law to regulate the use of water for lawn and garden watering within the Town of Orangeville. This by law regulates the frequency of which residents may water their lawns and gardens. This by law was passed to impact the Towns’ overall water conservation efforts; and

    Whereas, Rain barrels play a key role in water sustainability by allowing the reuse of rain water for watering flowers, hanging baskets, and gardens; and 

    Whereas, Sustainable Orangeville’s mandate is to promote environmentally sustainable practices within the Town of Orangeville and to reduce the Town’s environmental impact including, but not limited to water conservation and stewardship; and

    Whereas, Public Works' annual budget for rain barrels is $5,000, the subsidy program was available at a subsidy of $50 off per barrel for 100 barrels. Within 15 hours of the program opening all 100 rain barrels were spoken for; and 

    Whereas, for the remainder of the term of Council, Staff will work with Sustainable Orangeville to develop a rain barrel program; and 

    Therefore, it is requested that Council approve the use of up to $20,000.00 from the reserve funds of Sustainable Orangeville to subsidize another 400 rain barrels through the initiative, implemented through the Town of Orangeville Public Works department. 

    Carried Unanimously

Councillor Andrews advised that the Affordable Housing Task Force is currently seeking applications until Friday, July 12, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

Mayor Post advised that multiple Committees are seeking applications at this time.

Councillor Sherwood advised that the Orangeville Rotary Ribfest is July 19 - 21, 2024.

Councillor Prendergast advised that school is out for the summer, asked members of the community to be mindful of speeding, and for individuals to wear their helmets while bicycling. 

  • Resolution2024-133
    Moved byCouncillor Macintosh
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Taylor

    That the meeting be adjourned at 9:51 p.m.

    Carried Unanimously
No Item Selected