Minutes of Orangeville OPP Detachment Board Regular (Public Session) Meeting

Electronic and In-Person Participation - Orangeville OPP Detachment Board
Town Hall Council Chambers
87 Broadway
Orangeville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Member Post
  • Member Maycock
  • Member Armstrong
  • Member Weatherbee
Members Absent:
  • Chair Taylor
  • Vice-Chair McSweeney
Staff Present:
  • Executive Assistant M. Archer

The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board discuss and approve the Agenda for the November 19th, Orangeville Police Services Board Regular (Public Session) Meeting. 

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Convene into In-Camera Session.

    Motion that at 4:02 p.m. the Board convene into the In-Camera Session of this meeting under Part III, Section 35(4) of the Police Services Act. 


Encampments on Town Property


Youth Concerns About Violence in Orangeville Parks


Community Safety and Policing (CSP) Grant


Increasing OPP Costs


Adoption of Previous In-Camera and Special Meeting Minutes

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Weatherbee

    Convene into Public Session.

    Motion that at 5:00 p.m. the Board reconvene into the Public Session of this meeting.


The Chair acknowledged the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. The Chair also recognized that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today.

No Questions.

Darlene and Wes Sharpe presented on behalf of Dufferin Emergency Search and Rescue (DESAR).

DESAR is a charitable organization that provides trained and certified searchers to assist police with ground search and rescue operations. They have 14 operational members and 12 non-operational members. All members are volunteers. They are governed by the Ontario Search and Rescue Volunteer Association (OSARVA).

They support the police with searches for lost persons and they have a mounted unit allowing more area to be covered faster, can carry gear & travel difficult terrain easier.

All team funds are generated through fundraising and donations.

All members are trained in Map and Compass, Search Patterns, Psychology of Survival, Search Techniques, Lost Person Behaviour, Awareness and Detection, Radio Communication and Tracking.  Members are certified to the OPP BSAR Standards.

DESAR delivers outdoor life safety information through the Adventure Smart programs and they support community partners at public events.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the presentation by DESAR.


Member Post confirmed that Council of the Corporation of the Town of Orangeville, at its Regular Council Meeting held on October 21, 2024 confirmed the Board Appointments for the Orangeville Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Board.

Ian McSweeney commented in his Nov. 12th email as follows:

This report is quite well thought out and I generally agree with it subject to:

  • The references to By-Law 002-2018 should be updated to By-Law 002-2024

We as a Board need to do some thinking about how phase 4 management will work. Who within the Board will be responsible for reviewing and destroying documents passed their by-law expiry date? Is this something we want the Town to lead and periodically present to us or do we want a Board member or the EA to be responsible based on a records list with expiry dates identified?”

Chair Taylor responded to above email stating:

I am not certain that having a board member destroying documents is our best use of resources. I would be comfortable deferring to the town on this and sharing their findings as appropriate.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the report and approve the plan as outlined.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Orangeville OPP Detachment 3rd Quarter Report of 2024 and overview provided by Inspector Di Pasquale be received.


Inspector Di Pasquale advised they had received complaints from the public about noisy vehicles in Orangeville.  The OPP partnered with MTO and held an enforcement/education event in Orangeville. He encouraged the public to call the OPP non-urgent line anytime they have concerns about noisy vehicles.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the update provided by Inspector Di Pasquale be received.


Inspector Di Pasquale advised that a corporate decision was made by the OPP to forgo the 2023 Progress Report in light of the release of the CSPA on April 1, 2024. Moving forward he advised the Progress Report will be completed in compliance with the CSPA.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the update provided by Inspector Di Pasquale be received.


Inspector Di Pasquale advised that due to the increase in calls for service, particularly where calls require two officers to respond for officer safety, this could impact the amount of time officers have to do proactive enforcement.  He advised his officers will continue to be engage in proactive enforcement whenever possible.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion to receive the Oct. 4th report and explanation provided by Inspector Di Pasquale.


An update was provided on the September and October false alarms as follows: 

Sept. 1 - Sept. 30, there were 13 false alarms and no repeat alarms.Oct. 1 - Oct. 15, there were 7 false alarms and only 2 were repeat alarms at the 7 Eleven store on Broadway. 

Oct. 16 to Oct. 31, 2024, there were 5 alarms in this period and no repeat alarms.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the False Alarm Report provided be received.


Member Post advised earlier in the year a letter was sent out to community organizations to introduce the Board and the Detachment and encourage community members to attend any of our regular public Board meetings, and present to the Board on policing issues that impact their organization or initiatives their organization would like to bring to the Board.  Member Post advised she will work with Member Weatherbee in moving this initiative forward in the new year. Member Armstrong advised he could assist with this initiative.

  • Moved byMember Weatherbee
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided by Member Post.


Member Post advised the October Zone 5 meeting was rescheduled for December 10, 2024.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Weatherbee

    Motion that the Board receive the update provided and the OAPSB Zone 5 Directory.


Ian McSweeney had suggested the following in his Nov. 5th email:


One of the public agenda topics on November 19 is the OAPSB OPP detachment board remuneration survey. You will recall at previous meetings we tabled the topic of Board remuneration review pending release of this survey.

I have attached a copy of the survey, annotated in highlights to show the Orangeville survey responses and comments. I will not be at the November 19 meeting, but recommend that after the Board discusses the topic, we delegate a few members (including Todd and Lisa) to present the survey to Council (with annotations) in conjunction with Council's role in setting future remuneration rates and structure.”


Member Post advised in 2026 there will be a review of remuneration for Boards and Committees conducted by the Clerk's office and Town Council.

Member Armstrong asked if the survey should be provided to Council now and Member Post recommended it be sent over to the Clerk's office and Town Council for review.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion to receive the OAPSB Remuneration Survey and forward to the Clerk's Office and Town Council for review.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion to approve the invoice and direct EA Archer to have the invoice paid.


EA Archer advised she has received confirmation of completion of thematic training of all members with the exception of Member Armstrong and Member Weatherbee. Member Armstrong advised he has completed it and will forward a screenshot of completion to EA Archer. Member Weatherbee advised she started it later and will forward a screen shot upon completion. EA Archer also requested they submit a claim for special remuneration for completing the training.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update.


Member Post confirmed that the Orangeville Detachment Board has been accepted into the OAPSB Group Insurance Plan.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the attached documents and the update provided by Member Post.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board approve and direct M. Archer to submit claims to payroll for payment.


EA Archer advised the above Service Standards had been met.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive the discussion on the Meeting Service Standards and the attached documents.


Inspector Di Pasquale advised he doesn't have an update to provide.  He believes there will be an update available for the next meeting.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion to receive brief discussion on Zina Courthouse.


Member Armstrong recommended the Action Register be transitioned into 2 different action plans as follows:

  1. In flight or Active Action Items
  2. Closed list

The purpose of this is to separate the lists by final status. Ideally the Action list would be reviewed each board meeting for a status update, and delivery against the initial plan and due date.  Once an items is passed closed, and the board approves the closure, then it would go to the closed list and remain on there for 12months. this would enable an archive of closed items, and form part of the final meeting minutes of each meeting.

Member Armstrong proposes that the review of the Action Register be a permanent agenda topic.

EA Archer asked how this would align with the Work Plan and Member Armstrong advised that tasks that need to be completed on the Workplan will be brought forward on the Action Register for assignment and completion.

EA Archer will confer with Chair Taylor and Vice-Chair McSweeney on any items on the Workplan that need to be tasked for the first quarter on to the Action Register and advise the Board members via email.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the review provided by Member Armstrong and approve the revised Action Register as well direct EA Archer to confer with Chair Taylor and Vice-Chair McSweeney on tasks for 1st quarter 2025 Workplan and Action Register agenda items and deadlines and update the Board members via email.


EA Archer advised that Vice Chair McSweeney will be conducting a review of all the governance materials and provide the Board with an updated set of documents for approval at the January 2025 regular public meeting.  Once the revised materials are approved they will be posted on the website.

  • Moved byMember Maycock
    Seconded byMember Armstrong

    Motion that the Board receive the update and discussion and approve the recommended next steps.


Member Post proposed we continue to have the Board Regular Public meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the months of January, March, May, June, September and November at Town Hall Council Chambers.  The meeting format of a hybrid meeting providing virtual access will continue. The In-Camera portion will commence at 4:00 p.m and the public portion at 5:00 p.m.

Member Armstrong asked if there is flexibility in the time of the meetings.  Member Post suggested the meetings continue being scheduled at the above times for now. 

The proposed 2025 Meeting Dates are as follows:

January 21

March 18

May 20

June 17

Sept. 16

Nov. 18

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board approve the Regular Public Meeting dates for the 2025 calendar year and direct EA Archer to send out meeting invitations to members and the Inspector for these dates to populate their calendars.


Member Armstrong advised he approves the content of the draft bylaw but asked that the signatures be revised from Chair and Vice-Chair of Orangeville Police Services Board to Orangeville OPP Detachment Board.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the Board receive and approve attached draft By-Law #3 with the revision noted above and authorize Vice-Chair McSweeney to communicate same to the OAPSB as requested.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the minutes of the Sept. 24th, Regular Public meeting are approved: 


Member Armstrong advised of the Community Safety and Wellbeing Planning Meeting on Monday November 25, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at Monora Park Pavilion. Vice-Chair McSweeney had inquired via email if the Board should send a delegation.

Member Post asked members to check their schedules and advise if they can attend.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2025.

  • Moved byMember Armstrong
    Seconded byMember Maycock

    Motion that the meeting be adjourned at 5:49 p.m.

No Item Selected