Darlene and Wes Sharpe presented on behalf of Dufferin Emergency Search and Rescue (DESAR).
DESAR is a charitable organization that provides trained and certified searchers to assist police with ground search and rescue operations. They have 14 operational members and 12 non-operational members. All members are volunteers. They are governed by the Ontario Search and Rescue Volunteer Association (OSARVA).
They support the police with searches for lost persons and they have a mounted unit allowing more area to be covered faster, can carry gear & travel difficult terrain easier.
All team funds are generated through fundraising and donations.
All members are trained in Map and Compass, Search Patterns, Psychology of Survival, Search Techniques, Lost Person Behaviour, Awareness and Detection, Radio Communication and Tracking. Members are certified to the OPP BSAR Standards.
DESAR delivers outdoor life safety information through the Adventure Smart programs and they support community partners at public events.