That Council waive the five-minute timeframe in the procedure by-law to permit Nancy Neale to address Council for a maximum of thirty minutes.
Nancy Neale, Manager, Watson & Associates Economics Ltd. provided a presentation with respect to the 2024 Development Charges Background Study. Ms. Neale provided an overview of the study noting that municipalities can enact by-laws to levy charges governed under the Development Charges Act, 1997. She highlighted that the intent of a Development Charges By-law is to fund capital costs required by new development, such as infrastructure, public services and community amenities. Ms. Neale shared municipal comparisons and suggested calculations for the Town of Orangeville. She concluded her presentation noting that the by-law will be presented to Council for consideration on October 7th.
Deputy Mayor Taylor invited questions or comments from members of the public. Alan Toms, Orangeville sought clarification whether or not the proposed Development Charges By-law would require developers to install sound barriers specifically between townhouses in residential zones. Ms. Neale provided a response to Ms. Toms. Tim Kocialek, General Manager, Infrastructure Services advised that any new development that may have noise implications, may require the consideration of various conditions as part of the site plan approval process.
Deputy Mayor Taylor invited questions or comments from members of Council. Councillor Andrews sought clarification with respect to how the proposed development charges are calculated based on the number of homes projected to be built in Orangeville on an annual basis. Ms. Neale advised that the growth forecast takes into consideration Dufferin County's Official Plan, prior development studies, actual growth, and current applications in the planning process.
Councillor Macintosh inquired if the new fire station would be eligible for development charges. Ms. Neale provided clarification with respect to replacing and expanding a current municipal facility. David Smith, CAO clarified that if the facility was the same size, it would not be eligible for development charges.
Mayor Post sought clarification with respect to the planning process in terms of when the developer receives the development charges. Ms. Neale explained that it depends on the type of application.
Councillor Sherwood asked if there is a reduction in development charges for long term care homes. Ms. Neale advised that not for profit housing is exempt fully as per the Development Charges Act, however, for profit developments may only be exempt by the will of Council.
Councillor Stevens sought clarification with respect to operating costs for Ontario Provincial Police. Ms. Neale advised that there are asset management requirements and as assets are added, there will be operating impacts that are included in the calculation.